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How To Succeed In Life | 10 Habits & Practices

Here are the 10 best things you can do to be successful in life. Once you make a habit out of these points and practice them on a daily basis, you will be on your way to achieving great success. Good Luck!

  1. Dream Big. Have Goals. Make Plans

One of the most important characteristics of successful people is that they have big dreams. Dreams lead to desires. And to achieve success, we need to desire it strongly. Imagine how you would like your future to be and make sure you love what you imagine. Dreams can fuel your fire to achieve what you want in life.

But dreaming is not enough. You need to make these dreams into your current goals. Your dream can be broken down into goals and each goal achieved will help you achieve your dreams. And to complete these goals, you need to have a plan in place. Having a plan would make it easier for you to achieve your goals as it would give you a sense of direction. Concrete and iterative plans would be more efficient compared to “taking things as they come” or “going with the flow”. Planning can include step-by-step tasks, timeframes to achieve the goal, tools required, and skills needed to achieve the goal.

2. Constructive Thinking

Thoughts are one of the most crucial factors in success or failure in a person’s life. Thoughts impact the way we do things. We are likely to subconsciously believe and do what our thoughts tell us. You will be good at any task you do when you think constructively.

Constructive thinking can be any thought that helps you be more confident, is positive and supportive, and helps you build a desired outcome. Whereas thoughts that make you doubt yourself, which is negative and hinders your desired outcomes are destructive and can affect your success.

Constructive thinking can be used as a tool when things go wrong. Think constructively regarding the situation or problem that you face and you will see yourself being calmer. You will see yourself coming up with more solutions to the problem at hand. Don’t react to any situation with your emotions, rather think constructively and solve the issues.

3. Take Action

Dreams and Thoughts by themselves have a lot of power. And taking action on your dreams and thoughts can bring them to life. Taking action is the only way that the goals and plans you have in mind will change into an existential reality. Action translates thoughts into being.

Break your goal into easy-to-do steps and take action. As time goes you will see yourself finding it easier to do tasks and succeed at doing hard things. Taking action on our goals and plans is the only way can succeed at them.

Overthinking can make us focus on all the things that may go wrong, and most of us don’t even try to take action because it may fail. Don’t overthink about success or failure, just follow the plan and take action. The only way you will ever succeed is to take that first step of action.

4. Acquire Knowledge

Learning helps us increase our knowledge, skills and unique perspective. With the help of the internet and various sources, you can learn anything you wish to do nowadays. This not only helps you grow but also gives you an edge in the world.

Knowledge is a powerful weapon especially when action is taken with it. The practice of acquiring teachings that are new and helpful to you and taking action on them using a written plan in place can make you extremely successful at anything you learn.

5. Consistency and Rest

Being successful requires you to work on your goals every single day. For success to be fruitful, it requires an effort that’s put into the task at hand for a long period of time. Consistency can be mastered when practised in moderation. Being consistent would be challenging at first.

Make sure that you’re always putting in the effort even when you start feeling overworked or overwhelmed. But do it for a lesser amount of time or do lesser tasks. It’s important for your body and mind some time to be restful. It’s a rewarding practice to have a balance of being consistent and taking rest when truly needed.

6. Stay Healthy

Success requires your body to perform well too. Maintaining physical health is very important. It would be easier to work and perform efficiently at any task when you’re healthy and functioning well.

Good nutrition and physical exercise are correlated with good mental health, brain performance and better moods throughout the day.

Some of the ways you can improve your health are by consuming foods that are not processed, eating fruits and vegetables daily, cutting down sugars and fats, exercising regularly, walking on a daily basis, drinking plenty of water (not getting thirsty or dehydrated often) and taking natural supplements which improve your general health.

7. Meditation and Mindfulness

Life can be quite stressful at times and our minds can be racing with thoughts all the time. This can be draining to the mind. Our minds should be performing in a way that we can go about our day without exhaustion or brain fog.

Practising meditation and mindfulness is recommended by many successful people. Meditation is the best way to stop overthinking, reduce stress, increase brain capacity, enhance your moods and eliminate anxiety. 

The purpose of meditation is to focus and be aware of a particular thing. And in this process, we let go of all of our thoughts. Mindfulness is maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment.

8. Reflection and Review

A valuable practice for success is to reflect on and review how you did throughout the day. This will help us to determine if we did everything as per our plan. Practising this regularly can be very helpful to your day-to-day success.

At the end of the day, find a quiet plan and sit down with your thoughts. You can also write down your review if it helps better. Look at your plan and do the following: See if you did everything in the plan. Review how well you did in terms of efficiency and quality of work. Focus on how your emotions played a part in your day and set improvements for the coming day if necessary. Plan ahead for the next day keeping in mind all the improvements and tasks that may not have been completed.

9. Avoid Distractions

It’s crucial to work deeply and with complete focus. When we work, we can’t afford to put our minds to anything other than the task at hand if we want to be successful. Fixing your attention on one task will help you do better in terms of the quality and quantity of work done.

Make sure that you identify what distracts you when you work. Focus on only your work and keep the distractions away from you till you’re finished. Set clear goals as to how long you want to work distraction-free and stick to this timeframe. If you find yourself distracted, just bring yourself back to the task at hand.

Deeply focused work is a reason why most successful people accomplish great tasks, it’s because that’s the only thing on their mind. 

10. The Desire To Keep Improving

Success comes to those who constantly improve everything about themselves. We cannot grow by doing the same things that we used to do. Growth means adding on to the already existing.

Improvement can be emotional, physical and mental. It would be ideal to improve on all three of these aspects. Keep in mind that the desire to improve should come naturally to you. Try not to force this on yourself, rather fall in love with the process.